MINECRAFT - Diamond Pickaxe - Cosplay Foam
The weapon from the game “Minecraft” is the Diamond Pickaxe. It’s made out of high-quality cos...
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MINECRAFT - Diamond Sword - Cosplay Foam
<p>Material: EVA cosplay Foam<br>Size: 60x33x1.5 cm<br><br>The weapon from the game “Minecraft” ...
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ZELDA - Shield of Dark Link - Black - Cosplay Foam
<p>Replica of the shield of dark Link from the famous “Legend of Zelda game. It’s made out of hi...
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ZELDA - Shield of Link - Blue - Cosplay Foam
Replica of the shield of Link from the famous “Legend of Zelda game. It’s made out of high-quali...
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BLACK BUTLER - Ciel - Skull Cane Kuroshitsuji
<p>The weapon from Ciel of the Anime series “Black Butler” is his Skull Cane called “Kuroshits...
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ALITA - BATTLE ANGEL - Damascus Blade
The Damascus Blade is the Alita Battle Angel signature weapon in the
movie and was named for its si...
movie and was named for its si...
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Le Colt est un revolver supernatural fabriqué par le chasseur Samuel Colt. John Winchester le cherc...
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DEADPOOL - Réplique MP5K de Deadpool
<p>Deadpool a d'abord été dépeint comme un super-vilain lorsqu'il a fait sa première apparition ...
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ALICE MADNESS - Couteau d'Alice - Lame Vorpal
La lame vorpaline est l'arme principale et la plus emblématique d'Alice Liddell dans son voyage au ...
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X-MEN - Réplique Griffes Wolverine Métal
Tu n'as jamais voulu être aussi dur que Wolverine ? C'est maintenant votre chance ! Avec ces griffe...
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