Sword of Thorin Oakenshield - Orcrist Deluxe Edition
Orcrist, the sword created by elves and used by Thorin to defeat an army of goblins is now available to Hobbit enthusiasts and sword collectors.
This sword was hated and feared with good cause. The sword, an intimidating piece of savage weaponry is carefully crafted to be an exact look-a-like to the weapon used in the movie. This sword measures 98 cm in length. The stainless steel blade features a delicately etched leaf pattern located near the base of the hilt. The leaf pattern flows onto the hilt, which develops the look of a dragons tooth.
- Length: +/-98 cm
- Comes with a wooden display plaque
- Material: Metal, Steel
- All swords purchased from this shop have dull blades.
Very good sword, dont regret buying it what so ever. Very good price
Posted on 14-11-2022