LORD OF THE RINGS - Morgul Knife - Blade of the Nazgul
- Overall Length: +/- 64 cm
- Blade Length: +/- 44 cm
- Blade Material: Stainless steel
- Handle: Leather-wrapped
- Wooden Display included
- All swords purchased from this shop have dull blades and are for decorational purposes only
The Morgul-knife was a short blade carried by the Witch-king of Angmar during the Third Age, and used to stab Frodo Baggins at the ancient Tower of Amon Sûl atop Weathertop Hill.
Alternately described as a long knife and a blade, it was used by the Nazgûl to poison enemies. As explained by Elrond, the purpose of the knife was to break off in the wound, leaving a shard in the victim's body. The remaining blade would soon turn to dust, and the shard works its way through the body to the heart. If the shard of the blade stays in the victim for too long, the victim becomes a wraith.
This sword is absolutely an magnificent replica. Love every detail. It arrived extremely well packaged and it was delivered surprisingly the next day in London. 5/5
Posted on 28-02-2024