DEVIL MAY CRY 5 - Katana of Vergil - Yamato v2 - DMC 5 Version
DMC 5 Version of the Yamato katana of Vergil
- Overall Length: +/- 101 cm
- Length blade: +/- 67 cm
- Material: Stainless steel
- All swords purchased from this shop have dull blades and are for decoration purposes only
The Yamato is Vergil's trademark dark-forged katana appearing in Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 5. It is a legendary sword that was once wielded by his father Sparda, who originally created it alongside the Sparda and Rebellion when the Dark Knight split his power into three pieces, and was named by him to embody a "god of death". It was later left to Vergil as a keepsake.
While the Rebellion can unify the human and demon halves of an individual, the Yamato can instead separate the two forces.
In Devil May Cry 5, the Yamato has been given a renovation. The tsukamaki handle has pattern closer to a real katana, giving it the traditional diamond shape in the negative space. There is no longer a dragon on the pommel/kashira, and the rim fittings from throughout the sword no longer have flowing line patterns in gold on shakudo like black metal; rather, gold dragon styled menuki are inserted underneath the tsukamaki to allow for the fingers to grip. The tsuba/hand guard is now gold and a deep navy blue, shaped like an octagon with two trapezoidal halves, each with gold dot pattern patches and in a grove like motif with gold rings, inside of which are various circles in clusters of three, arranged in triangular patterns, and the gold habaki/fuller is also with a similar embossed pattern. The hamon featured is a kawazuko choji or tadpole head clove flower styled hamon as similar to those found on blades historically made by Osafune Nagamitsu. The blade has also been given prominent temper lines.
The scabbard is black, made of traditional lacquered wood, and features several metallic ornaments on its far end. In Devil May Cry 3 and Devil May Cry 4 it has a gold kurigata (absent in the manga). In Devil May Cry 5, the color of kurigata is black. It also features a yellow sageo, the cord used to tie the katana to the waist. In Devil May Cry 5, the sageo is blue
It is good quality. dimensions are what you would expect of a good sword. Packaging was secure. arrived with tracking info on estimated day
Posted on 06-03-2024Ich dachte lange zeit dieser Shop verkauft keine gute Ware. Hab dann durch einen Freund gesehen wie gut die Qualität ist und selber dieses Katana bestellt und bin sehr zufrieden!
Shop übersicht zum bestellen: Einfach und schnell
Lieferung: Schnell und unkompliziert. Lieferung kam aus Portugal und musst nach Deutschland musste also nur 3 Tage warten was voll kommen okay ist.
Qualität: Absolut schönes Katana es gibt nur eine sache und zwar das Schwert rutsch sehr leicht aus der Schwertscheide raus und liegt auch allgemein sehr locker in der Schwertscheide. Das ist aber eine Beschwerde auf sehr hohem niveau.
i have searched online for this sword but nowhere to be found like here. I also bought a sword from you a while ago so I knew the quality would be good. Perfection! I am again extremely happy with it in all aspects. Also received it very fast. Thank you Otaku !
Posted on 09-10-2023Envoie rapide, l'article correspondant à la description. Recommande vivement. merci
Posted on 26-09-2023