Lucifer is a popular drama series that aired on Fox from 2016 until 2018 and was later picked up by Netflix for additional seasons until 2021. Based on the notorious character created for DC Vertigo (DC’s adult sibling), "Lucifer" is the perfect blend of detective drama meeting occult in urban fantasy settings…with a sprinkle of fantasy to top it all off.
Starring a beautiful cast led by Tom Ellis as the King of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar; Lauren German as Detective Chloe Decker; Lesley-Ann Brandt as Mazikeen (Maze), Lucifer’s badass she-demon bodyguard; and D. B. Woodside as Archangel Amenadiel, Lucifer’s elder brother; Lucifer follows the exploits of the King of Hell in Los Angeles after he decides he no longer wants to rule Hell. Now living his immortal life freely on Earth, he enjoys his time to the fullest. But once he crosses paths with the illusive Detective Chloe, he takes on the role of her part-time consultant to solve the mystery surrounding her being immune to his powers.
The fans of the Lucifer series can be crowned as one of the most devoted fandoms, as they brought the series back to life after Fox cancelled it after just three seasons. Their active campaigning on social media paid off when streaming giant Netflix bought Lucifer and renewed it for three more seasons.
For the utterly devoted Lucifer fanatics, the desired collectable can just be the swag with which Tom Ellis portrays Lufier Morningstar’s character in a classic black suit. But many fans of the series often ask for more. Otakuninjahero has the perfect collectable range to assuage the desires of these Lucifer fans. Presenting deadly hell-forged Karambits collectables, the signature handheld pair of small dagger-like metal pieces used by the she-demon extraordinaire, Maze. These Karambits feature all the intricate design details present in the original ones forged in the fires of hell but come with dulled edges for safer handling.